Heading up the busy A9, between Brora and Helmsdale, turn off the road at Lothbeg and head upwards on the rough and narrow quiet minor road into Glen Loth. We parked up a little south of the upper sheep fold to begin our walk on the hill that appears to translate from the Gaelic as 'the mountain of the wet place'. As we began the walk two cyclists on cycles with narrow road tyres descended from the high point of the Glen. A little later we could see from above a touring motorcyclist descending slowly and just two other vehicles in the Glen during our stay in this quiet part of Sutherland. The fine old stone sheep fold seen from above on the hill. No wet vegetation today since the weather had been dry for sometime...you could sit down anywhere on the hill on this day without the inconvenience of having wet trousers. In the distance through the haze Morven can just be picked out as can the quiet rough road up to the wide col and then descends to the river...
A walking journey of fifteen days from North to South carrying rucksack, tent and camping equipment beginning in Calenzana and finishing in Conca.